Shine Accelerator

The Fastest Way To Reach Your Goals

Master your shine skills so they become second nature

  • HEAL, GROW & Learn to LOVE Yourself

  • Take control of your mind, stop self-sabotaging and start building a new empowering life

  • Dissolve heartache, grief, anger, and resentment over your relationship loss

  • Love and accept your body at a core level

  • Rebuild your confidence and self-belief

  • Create Properly prepare for a Magnificent Man

What the Shine Program About?

We know that sometimes clients want even more help to complete their program and reach their new goals after the 12 weeks of

The Shine Program are up.

That exactly why I created The Shine Accelerator.  It’s designed to give you ongoing support so you can optimize every aspect of your life by implementing your new goals and holding you accountable to achieving your dreams. 

Who is it for?

The Shine Accelerator is primarily for grads who still need to get their program finished so you can powerfully and confidently show up in your life and have a plan and strategy in place so you are moving forward and nailing your new goals.

If you specifically want to start dating, check out “Ready For Love”.

When can I start?

The SHINE Accelerator program runs continuously and so it starts the moment you make a decision to change your life and enrol.

There are 9 modules of work and 12 weeks of personalised group coaching, a private Facebook Group and your own accountability coach and group mentors.

The lessons and weekly homework help you to make massive long term change and become empowered. Graduates grow their minds and become wise and are amongst the top 10% of emotionally intelligent people.

What’s Included?

You’ll get continued access to Fiona May and the WOT (Women On Transition) Team, via email, messenger and phone, just like you did with the regular program.

You’ll have an exclusive Accelerator Group Q&A call every week.
No more waiting around for newbie‘s or having to listen in for an hour before we get to you – this is a small, private call with Fiona where you can ask any specific questions to her about your program, homework, goals or life.

We’ll check your homework, goals, dating profile or anything else to ensure you're working on creating your new life, to make sure you are on track and we'll hold you accountable for the whole month to maximize your chance of being successful.

Access to the Weekly Shine Q&A and Coaching Calls with Fiona and Sandra so you can complete your program or re-do all the lessons again.  

Plus you retain (or will be added) to the Shine Facebook Group and have access to ongoing support and accountability inside the group and learn from everyone else's experiences.

You have access to the Shine Program modules while in the Accelerator Program

You can record a Graduation Interview with Fiona or Sandra when you complete the program to celebrate your journey.  We’ll discuss how far you’ve come, your future goals, passions and dreams, what you've learnt and are now creating. This is great at defining the NEW YOU! It gets you super clear and gives you a road map to move forward.

What Coaching and Support will I get?

  • The Shine Students Community Facebook Group, where you get regular daily support and advice from the coaches, our team, mentors and other students.

  • Access to the Experts with powerful Weekly Q&A Zoom call's where you get to celebrate, ask questions, and get answers directly from the coaches.

  • Direct support and accountability check-ins from our team to make sure you're not getting stuck, you don’t feel alone, and you’re moving

    forward with your goals.

  • Ongoing access to your modules even after the initial 12 months.

Here's How It Works

You will become confident and happy again

Proven Process

You learn tired, tested and proven skills and tools what will empower and strengthen you. You will go deep, heal your wounds and become confident and wise.
You will use the new skills you learn everyday and they will serve you for the rest of your life. Following our step-by-step program with tasks and activities that are proven to work provides women with breakthroughs that transform their lives.


The Shine Program reconditions your mind and changes the way you think about things. It gives you the ability to analyse, process and work through any challenging situation.
It stops you procrastinating and overthinking.
It teaches you to to not get triggered and to heal past wounds that are the real underlying core issues that have been holding you back from being your best self.

Supportive Community

Trying to overcome challenging issues like emotional or physical trauma, losing love, feeling unworthy or mending a broken heart can be hard to do.
Many of our clients have spent years working on themselves and they find within the Shine Program the answers they've been searching for.
Our world-class program and support allows you to ask questions, collaborate, make new friends, feel supported, and get advice on anything that's troubling you.

Transition Mentorship

You not only get access to our highly acclaimed program, we hold your hand and coach you as you transition through each stage of the journey. We help you navigate all the challenges and breakthrough the obstacles that have held you back. You’ll discover your true self, leave limiting beliefs and fears behind, liberate yourself from insecurity, completely release your past and heal - and this opens you up to begin your new journey. We help you map out your goals and create a clear path forward.

Watch This Video To See What Our Students Say...

Results Don't Lie... What We Do Works!

How To Enroll?

The investment for Shine Accelerator is just $49/week.

The Accelerator program is a week to week and there’s no ongoing commitment.  Stay as long as you feel the need.

I don’t want you to lose your momentum so I’ve structured this program as cheap as I can as I’d love to continue to support you and ensure that you continue to Shine and bring into your life everything you want, and for you to reach your goals. To enroll, just use click on the link, fill out the form and you can get started right away.  I look forward to seeing you on the other side! 

To find out more about enrolling in the Shine program and our unique proprietary step-by-step system, watch our free training and then book a call to speak with Fiona or Sandra so we can make sure it's a great fit for your needs.
If something else will serve you better, we'll steer you in that direction on the obligation free call.

Become Your Best Self

The new tools and skills you learn in The Shine Program will allow you to access the kind of power that will support you to:

  • Fix tricky relationships with family, friends or your kids

  • Master being calm and centred when new

    challenges show up for best results

  • Work through fears and traumas that were

    hiding the first time

  • Learn to use shine tools more effectively to

    improve your work or business

  • and more...

The Shine Program is NOT a dating program.

We prepare you to date but it does not teach you HOW to date and attract a man with integrity and high values.

We do that work in the DATING FOR SUCCESS PROGRAM.

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